Neighbourhood Plan Review
The Marden Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted in February 2020, is currently under review to look at the existing policies alongside the National Planning Policy Framework and the Maidstone Local Plan Review.
A new draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Maidstone Borough Council for consideration and a response has just been received. Cllrs are due to discuss the proposals from MBC at a meeting on 26th March 2024.
The response has been received and a meeting held with MBC to go through the proposed changes. Following this the MNP was reviewed and amendments are currently being made. This will be available to view at MNP Review Regulation 14 - Marden Parish Council - Marden Parish Council, Marden, Tonbridge soon.
A Open Morning is due to be held on Saturday 22nd March 2025 where residents can view, and comment, on the proposed policy changes.
In May 2022 Marden Neighbourhood Plan (MNP) Steering Group held an Open Day and invited residents to come along to look at proposals for the MNP Review.
It was a successful morning and you can see below the information that was made available.
The feedback from the open day was incorporated into the draft proposal which was sent to MBC.