Risk Assessments
Marden Parish Council undertakes risk assessments on all aspects of council responsibilities and duties.
The Risk Assessment documents on this page may not be easy to read. If you wish them in hard copy, larger print or other information please contact the Parish Clerk.
The play equipment at Marden Playing Field & Napoleon Drive and the play trail at Southons Field are inspected bi-weekly by the village caretaker (or in his absence the Clerk/Deputy Clerk) and annually by an independent Play Inspection company. Both play areas and play trail at Southons Field also undergo an annual inspection by an independent company.
External hirers of Southons Field and Playing Field must undertake their own risk assessment of the activities involved and a copy of this and their own public liability insurance to be provided to the Clerk.
A full tree audit was undertaken in June 2024 and the village caretaker undertakes a monthly check on all Parish Council owned trees, located along Rookery Path, in the Playing Field, at Southons Field and the Cemetery.
Play Scheme Risk Assessments are taken prior to the scheme opening and daily by the manager whilst the scheme is running.
All risk assessments are reviewed annually or if anything changes in the operation of the activity.